Osteen and your “supernatural bell-hop”

A comment on WND’s website about Joel Osteen’s teaching says it all. Their story quoting an Equirerer Article alleging a financial scandal drew a number of comments. Aside from the story, the comment I found most interesting is from TXPatriot – Frank M •

“From the multitude of responses which people have posted relative to this article, the issue with Osteen has little to nothing to do with fundraising in his church. At issue is the half-baked gospel message he touts, which has led many to believe that the God of the Universe can be deployed as their own supernatural bell-hop…ring the prayer bell, and He shows up with all the health and wealth you could ever desire. That’s just malarkey!”

Here’s the story:

His post was discerning. Good point TXPatriot

History of the Christian Church

Communio Sanctorum is an outstanding resource, a podcast produced by Lance Ralston.

From his website Santorum.us  he says “Communio Sanctorum is Latin for “The Communion of Saints.”  This site is the blog companion for the podcast Communio Sanctorum, a weekly podcast on the History of the Christian Church.

Church History can be a complex and confusing subject with endless lists of names, dates, and issues. The podcast is an attempt to give believers a popular and non-academic review of church history in a manageable format with episodes that are under a half hour.

While the Latin phrase Communio Sanctorum has been in use for centuries, the German pastor and theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s dissertation was titled Sanctorum Communio. Written at the age of only 21, the book is a monumental tome describing Bonhoeffer’s ideas on the work of the Spirit in the Church building a community of the redeemed.”

If you love learning and would like to know more about the history of the Christian Church this is a wonderful resource you’ll no doubt greatly enjoy.


God-o-nomics from DanStevers.com on Vimeo.

Good job Dan! Great points.

For as you demonstrate here by Jesus’ words, God’s way is the antithesis of the world’s, His way doesn’t abide in the world system nor agree with it.

1 Timothy 6:10 (New American Standard Bible)
“For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. “

No Place Like Rome

A fascinating review of the Catholic Church of Rome. The unrepented track record of the Catholic Church leaves heretical doctrine still intact. This is a very interesting review for all who have forgotten the reason for the Reformation.